หลักสูตร 30 ชั่วโมง เรียนทั้งหมด 10 ครั้ง ครั้งละ 3 ชั่วโมง
ค่าเรียน 8,800 บาท
- การใช้งานคอมพิวเตอร์ระบบปฏิบัติการ Windows
Class 1: Introduction to Program and Project Environment
- Understanding the concept of RealFlow and learn familiar with RealFlow interface and project management.
Class 2: Emitter Concept
- Using emitter and capture all type of emitter (liquid, gas, elastic, dumb)
Class 3: Daemon Concept
- Capture all type of emitter daemon and understanding the concept of global link and exclusive link.
Class 4: Geometry Concept
- Learn to use the geometry in RealFlow environment and how to import/export the animation scene between other 3D programs.
Class 5: Building Mesh
- Understanding how to create and modified the meatball mesh to make stimulated particle more realistic.
Class 6: Integrated and Render with Maya
- Exploring the export central in RealFlow to manage and cache the RealFlow scene to use in Maya.
Class 7: Dynamic with Rigid Body
- Understanding more the RealFlow Dynamic with rigid body
Class 8: Realwave Concept and Wetmap
Class 9: Introduction to Use RealFlow Hybrido
Class 10: Script and Expression